Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to Tap Into Employee Discretionary Energy

How to Tap Into Employee Discretionary EnergyHow to Tap Into Employee Discretionary EnergyDiscretionary energy is the energy that an employee chooses to exert in service to coworkers or customers at work- or not. An employer pays for the fundamental tasks that he hires an employee to perform. The employee exerts the amount of energy necessary to perform the basic requirements of his or zu sichbei job description. Discretionary energy is the get-up-and-go that the employee is willing to contribute beyond the basic requirements of the job.Employees choose how much discretionary energy to exert on yur behalf in the workplace. The employees willingness to perform above and beyond the basic requirements of the job is a reflection of the employees willingness to engage his or her discretionary energy. Does tapping into employee discretionary energy sound like a positive workplace contribution? It is. Discretionary energy can help you set your workplace on fire with employee performance and excitement.As an employer, your goal is to tap into as much of it as possible. It is the oil that keeps the motor of a successful organization running. Think of employee discretionary energy as a powerful performance enhancer. Successful managers understand the power of discretionary energy and take conscious action to tap into it at work. Managers draw forth and enable the employee to contribute their discretionary energy by creating a work environment that empowers and enables employees to choose to perform. Studies at a number of organizations, including leading academic institutions, have shown a clear relationship between high levels of employee engagement- colloquially defined as the willingness and ability to go the extra mile- and improved financial and operational results. But findings from our 2012 Global Workforce Study show that the steps organizations have taken to improve engagement are beginning to fall short. The Work Environment That Promotes Discretionary Energ y So, whats an organization to do to encourage the kind of employee engagement that achieves these results? The work environment that encourages employee discretionary energy contribution emphasizes such components as Clear goals and performance expectationsRewards and recognition for accomplishmentOngoing feedbackA commitment to communicationFrequent performance coachingManagement attention and supportEmployee satisfactionEmployee motivationEmployee development opportunities (not just classes) Employee Discretionary Energy in Action As an example of discretionary energy in action, Mary serves customers in a retail store. She escorts customers to a dressing room in which the customer tries on clothing. When the customer is finished, Mary brings the customer back to the floor while offering any additional assistance the customer needs. If the customer decides to purchase an item, Mary either takes her to the cashier or rings up the purchase herself. She thanks the customer for h er purchase and tells her she hopes that the customer will come back soon. Mary puts the clothes away that the customer didnt purchase. All of this is Marys basic job, what Marys employer hired her to do. This is how Mary earns her paycheck each week. Is it all the employer wants her to do? Not really. The employer hopes to obtain much more from each employee. Contributed Discretionary Energy An employee who is empowered, happy, and committed to her work takes the service one step further. She uses her discretionary energy to better serve the customer and to improve her employers sales. Mary, using her discretionary energy, asks the customer, while shes still in the dressing room, whether she can bring her an item that isnt working in another size or color. She escorts the customer to the floor and suggests additional items, which might work well for the customer, based on what the customer appears to have liked already. Mary also suggests an item or two that she thinks might wo rk well for the customer, even if theyre not similar to what the customer has already tried on. Mary can do this because she knows the inventory very well and has observed many customers purchase items over time. She knows what might look good on the current customer from experience. After the customer makes her purchase, Mary remembers to give her a coupon for an upcoming sale. She walks the customer to the store entry, thanks her for the purchase, and tells her that she can ask for Mary anytime she returns to the store. Mary understands that customers are more likely to return if they have a friend from whom they know theyll receive excellent service. Enable More Use of Employee Discretionary Energy You cant pay people enough to remember to go the extra mile, but you can produce a work environment in which your employees will choose to exert that discretionary energy themselves. Marys employer-provided many of the factors recommended above to create a workplace in which employ ees like Mary provided way more than the basic job description described. From an employers point of view, the more employee discretionary energy that you can tap, the better the potential for well-served customers. You also increase your potential for happy employees. A happy employee is positively interacting with customers and coworkers and experiencing all of the work benefits that accrue as a result of these positive interactions.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why keeping a daily journal could change your life

Why keeping a daily journal could change your lifeWhy keeping a daily journal could change your lifeThe life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is with what he vowed to make it. J.M. BarrieYou know exactly what you want in life. But you cant seem to get there. You have all these resolves.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraYoure going to get healthy.Youre going to write that book.Youre going to be mora present with your loved ones.Youre going to abflug that home-based business.Youre going to learn another language.Youre going to be more patient and happy.Youre going to get out of debt.Youre going to be more organized.Youre going to be a better friend.Youre going to overcome bad habits.But the problem isDoing these is really hard. And it gets harder every day. Some days, it seems more realistic to just give up entirely. The whole taking one step forward and one or two steps backward pattern is getting old.Youve been telling yourself for a long timeToday is the dayonly to fall into old ways before the day, or if youre lucky, the week, is spent.When theres a gap between who you are and who you intend to be, you are incongruent and unhappy. Youre torn, mentally exhausted, and regretful. You always slightly feel like a fraud to yourself, and probably to the people around you.Conversely, Gandhi has said,Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.The Need For A Powerfully Transformative KeystoneHabitIf you try to tackle everything wrong in your life, youll quickly burn out and quit. Its happened many times before.Life is super busy. You dont have time to focus on a thousand different areas of your life to change. Thats exhausting, and frankly, not helpful.More effective than microscopically analyzing your sabotaging behaviors, i s nailing down a keystone habit which tightly locks all of your other habits in place. Without the keystone, everything falls apart.In his book,The Power of Habit,Charles Duhigg describes keystone habits as,small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives.A person might start exercising once per week, and unknowing begins eating better and being more productive at work. She begins smoking less and showing more patience with her colleagues and loved ones. She uses her credit card less, feels less stressed, and has increased motivation toward her goals. The ingrained patterns in her brain reform and she becomes an entirely different person.All because she started exercising once per week.You acquire one of these habits andeverythingin your life can change. Keystone habits spark a chain reaction of other good habits and can rapidly alter every aspect of your life.Journal EveryDayKeeping a personal journa l a daily in-depth analysis and evaluation of your experiences is a high-leverage activity that increases self-awareness and enhances all the endowments and the synergy among them. Stephen R.CoveyJournaling daily is the most potent and powerful keystone habit you can acquire. If done correctly, you will show up better in every area of your life everyarea Without question, journaling has by far been the number one factor to everything Ive done well in my life.The problem is, most people have tried and failed at journaling several times. Its something you know youshoulddo, but can never seem to pin down.After you read this post, youll never want to miss another day of journaling again.Heres whyJournaling Optimizes Your Creative PotentialMost people live their lives on other peoples terms. Their days are spent achieving other peoples goals and submitting to other peoples agendas.Their lives have not been consciously organized in such a way that they command every waking, and sleeping, moment of their life. Instead, they relentlessly react at every chance they get.For example, most people wake up and immediately check their phone or email. In spare seconds, we hop on Facebook and check the newsfeed. Weve become addicted to input. Or in other words, weve become addicted to reactively being guided by other peoples agendas.On the other hand, Josh Waitzkin, author ofThe Art of Learning,wakes up and immediately writes in his journal for 30 minutes.He does this because while hes been sleeping, his subconscious mind has been brewing, scheming, problem-solving, andlearning.So when Josh wakes up, he rushes to a quiet place and engages in a bust of intellectual and creative flow.I recently wrote about the importance of morning routines. If I were to re-write that post now, Id include my journal. Ive been doing this the past few weeks and its reframed my entire approach to life. Additionally, Ive never before had so many creative ideas crystallize.Creators focus on outputs r ather than the general populace who focus on inputs. In their free moments, creators utilize their subconscious breakthroughs. Their days are filled with creative bursts, making them incredible at their craft.If you want to have more creative flow in your life, stop checking your social media and email so much. Check them once or twice per day. Detach from the addiction to numb your mind and escape reality. Instead, get lost in the creative projects youve always wanted to do.Journaling Accelerates Your Ability To Manifest YourGoalsAs part of your morning creative burst, use your journal to review and hone your daily to-do list. Review and hone your life vision and big-picture goals.As you read and re-write your goals daily, theyll become forged into your subconscious mind. Eventually, your dreams and vision will consume your inner world and quickly become your physical reality.Journaling Creates A Springboard For DailyRecoveryPeople struggle drastically to detach from work. More now than ever, we fail to live presently. Our loved ones are lucky to experience a small percentage of our attention while theyre with us.However, utilizing your journal can curb this mismanagement. At the end of your workday, re-open your journal and review your to-do list from that day. If your morning journal session was excellent, youll have likely gotten everything done you intended to do.Private victories always precede public victories.Journal sessions are your post-work reflection time. Account to yourself what you got done that day and what needs to be moved to tomorrow. Write the things you learned and experienced.Lastly, direct your subconscious by writing about things you want to focus on tomorrow. As you put work behind you for the evening, your subconscious will be preparing a feast for you to consume during your next mornings creative and planning session.This end of the workday journal session need not be as long as the morning session. Greg McKeown, the author ofEssent ialism, recommends writing far less than you want to only a few sentences or paragraphs at most. This will help you avoid burnout.A primary objective of this session is to mentally turn-off work-mode. Just as in physical training, you need to rest and recover between work days in reservierung to get stronger.Use this session to completely unplug and detach from work. This is your time to recover and be present with your loved ones there is more to life than work. The higher quality your recovery, the more potent and powerful your creative sessions will be.Journaling Generates Clarity And CongruenceThis keystone habit has so much power By journaling in the morning and evening, youll quickly see the incongruencies in your life.Youll see crystal-clearly what needs to be removed and what should be included in your life. Journaling is a beautiful and powerful facilitator ofself-discovery. My own journaling is how Ive come to form my sense of identity and path in life.Not only will you ha ve more clarity about your path in life, butjournaling improves your abilityto make small and large decisions along the way.On the pages of your journal will be the future world you are creating for yourself. You are the author of your lifes story. You deserve to be happy. You have the power to create whatever life you want. As the designer of your world, get as detailed as you desire.Journaling Clears YourEmotionsSeveral research studieshave found that writing in your journal reduces stress. These benefits includeReducing scatter in your lifeIncreased focusGreater stabilityDeeper level of learning, order, action, and releaseHolding thoughts still so they can be changed and integratedReleasing pent-up thoughts and emotionsEmpowermentBridging inner thinking with outer eventsDetaching and letting go of the pastAllowing you to re-experience the past with todays adult mindWhen you are in an intensely emotional mood, journaling can help you more fully experience and understand those emot ions.After youve vented on the pages of your journal, youll quickly find a release. Objectivity will return and youll be able to move forward.Without a journal, intense emotional experiences can be crippling for hours, days, and even years. However, an honest and inspired journal session can be the best form of therapy quickly returning you better and smarter than you were before.Journaling Ingrains YourLearningHumans are bad at retaining information. We forget most of what we read and hear. However, when you write down the things youve learned, you retain them far better. Even if you never re-read what youve written, the simple act of writing something downincreases brain development and memory.Neurologically, when you listen to something, a different part of your brain is engaged than when you write it down. Memory recorded by listening does not discriminate important from non-important information. However,writing creates spatial regions between important and non-important pieces of information allowing your memory to target and ingrain the important stuff you want to remember.Furthermore, the act of writing allows your subconscious mind to work out problems in unique ways, intensifying the learning process. Youll be able to work out problems and get insights while you ponder and write about the things youre learning.Journaling Increases Your GratitudeEven if you start a journal session in a bad mood, the insight writing brings has a subtle way of shifting your mind towards gratitude.When you start writing what youre grateful for, new chambers of thought open in the palace of your mind. Youll often need to put your pen down and take a few overwhelming breathes. Youll be captivated not only by the amazing things in your life, but by the awe and brilliance of life in general.As part of your morning and post-work journaling sessions, be sure to include some gratitude in your writing. It will change your entire life orientation from scarcity to abundance. The w orld will increasingly become your oyster.Gratitude journaling is a scientifically proven way to overcome several psychological challenges. The benefits are seemingly endless.Here are just a fewGratitude makes you happierGratitude makes other people like youGratitude makes you healthierGratitude boosts your careerGratitude strengthens your emotionsGratitude develops your personalityGratitude makes you more optimisticGratitude reduces materialismGratitude increases spiritualityGratitude makes you less self-centeredGratitude increases your self-esteemGratitude improves your sleepGratitude keeps you away from the doctor by strengthening physiological functioningGratitude lets you live longerGratitude increases your energy levelsGratitude makes you more likely to exerciseGratitude helps you bounce back from challengesGratitude makes you feel goodGratitude makes your memories happier (think of PixarsInside Out)Gratitude reduces feelings of envyGratitude helps you relaxGratitude makes you friendlierGratitude helps your marriageGratitude makes you look goodGratitude deepens your friendshipsGratitude makes you a more effective managerGratitude helps you networkGratitude increases your goal achievementGratitude improves your decision makingGratitude increases your productivityJournaling Unfolds The Writer InYouI became a writer through journaling. While I was on a mission trip, I wrote in my journal for one to two hours per day. I got lost in flow and fell in love with the writing process.If you want to become a writer one day, start by journaling.Journaling can help youDevelop strong writing habitsHelp you discover your voiceClear your mind and crystallizes your ideasGet closer to the 10,000 hoursMalcolm Gladwellsays are required to become world-class at what you doProduce gems you could use in your other writingJournaling Records Your LifeHistoryI started journaling in 2008 after reading an article about theimportance of journal writing.In the article, the author des cribed how much journaling had changed her life. She said that after all these years, she now has 38 recorded volumes of personal and family history.After finishing that article, I have never stopped writing in my journal. In my family room on a book shelf are 20-plus journals filled with my thoughts and experiences. Im certain they will be cherished by my ancestors as Ive cherished the writing of my loved ones who have passed on.19 Other Benefits Of JournalingSome otherbenefits of journaling includeHeals relationshipsHeals the pastDignifies all eventsIs honest, trusting, non-judgmentalStrengthens your sense of yourselfBalances and harmonizesRecalls and reconstructs past eventsActs as your own counselorIntegrates peaks and valleys in lifeSoothes troubled memoriesSees yourself as a larger, important, whole and connected beingReveals and tracks patterns and cyclesImproves self-trustDirects intention and discernmentImproves sensitivityInterprets your symbols and dreamsOffers new perspe ctivesBrings things togetherShows relationships and wholeness instead of separationStrategies To Enhance The ExperiencePray or meditate for inspiration before you begin to heighten your mental state and trigger creativityListen to music (I listen to either classical or dub-step depending on the output Im trying to get)Write about the people in your life youll get breakthroughs about how to improve those relationshipsWrite with confidence and power use this to strengthen your resolvesWriteToday is going to be the best day of my life. read that over and over until you begin to believe itIf you cant think of what to write, try writing about minute details of your day or recent historyOr start with gratitudeConclusionI dare say that journaling is one of the most important things to do in your life. If done effectively, it will changeeverythingin your life for the better.Youll become the person you want to be.Youll design the life you want to live.Your relationships will be healthier and happier.Youll be more productive and powerful.Enjoy.Ready toupgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The four keys to a fulfilling job, according to a happiness researcher

The four keys to a fulfilling job, according to a happiness researcherThe four keys to a fulfilling job, according to a happiness researcherThis question originally appeared onQuoraWhat are some ways companies can increase happiness levels of employees, in order to boost performance?AnswerbyRaj Raghunathan, professor of marketing and happiness expert at UT Austin.One way to answer this question is to first get an understanding of what we need - beyond basic necessities - in order to lead a happier and more fulfilling life.It turns out that we need two main thingsFirst, we need to feel that we are progressing towards fulfillment of three important goals1) Mastery (the feeling that we are really good at something)2) Belonging (or intimacy with at least one other human being), and3) Autonomy (or the feeling that we are not puppets in someone elses hands, but rather are the authors of our own judgments and decisions).The second thing we need is a certain attitude or mindset - specific ally, the mindset of abundance. The mindset of abundance, rather than that of scarcity, is more conducive for sustaining happiness.Once you understand this, it becomes a little clearer what companies can do to promote the happiness of employees. You need to help employees progress towards mastery - e.g., help them develop the set of skills and capabilities that are important to them. You also need to help them feel a sense of belonging or connection with other people in the firm, particularly the ones with whom they interact on a regular basis. Finally, you need to give them a sense of autonomy. In particular, findings show that employees are happier when they have concrete, unambiguously defined goals, but are given freedom on how to achieve them.One other thing companies can do is help nurture the abundance mindset. This may be more difficult to pull off though, since developing this mindset is something that each person much feel individually motivated to do.You can follow Quora onTwitter,Facebook, andGoogle+.More from QuoraIs happiness good or bad?Is happiness related to ones wealth?What are the top three emotions one can develop in oneself to create joy and happiness?

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

3 Company Research Strategies for Your Next Job Interview

3 Company Research Strategies for Your Next Job Interview3 Company Research Strategies for Your Next Job InterviewWhile some of the population loves research after all, mora than 10,000 monthly searches on Simply Hired are for research-based jobs many of you dont want to do research for a living. But when you have a looming interview, research is an important part of the process that you simply cannot skip.Unfortunately, the discomfort rarely ends with the research itself. You have to figure out what information is worth mentioning and what you can discard, and then you have to find a way to work a bunch of facts into the interview without sounding like a robot.Is an interviewer really going to be impressed that you know the companys revenue last year, what year it was founded or that you can rattle off the names of each product the company offers? Probably not. So its up to you to distinguish whats important and how to share it in your upcoming interview.Here are three things you need to research about a prospective company and how to use that information in a meaningful way.Company InformationStart your research with the largest common denominator the business itself. But instead of pulling up historical facts about the companys founding or its most recent company retreat, focus on how details about the company create a connection with your own interests and purpose.Question to Ask How does the company help its customers?It might be easy to identify what products and services a company provides, but you need to dig deeper. How does the company help its customers? What value does it provide and what problem does it solve?For example, Simply Hired helps connect job seekers with jobs they love and employers with fantastic candidates. A technology company might create widgets that help other companies create faster widgets that are embedded in larger widgets down the road. Understanding how the larger picture works is far more insightful than listing off produc ts and services.How to Use It Align your purpose with the companys purposeBased on the two examples above, use the research you find to align your purpose with the companys purpose. For example, as someone who has looked for a job and/or had to hire someone, you might understand how hard it can be and want to help others in the same situation by working at Simply Hired. Or you might want to be a part of the technology company because youre someone who loves driving efficiency and youre enthusiastic to work for a company that helps technology move faster and with more power.Question to Ask What is unique or interesting about the company?The answer here could be wide open, so be on the lookout for tidbits that jump out at you. For example, if the company has won several awards or achieved some sort of milestone it might be the result of a specific campaign or strategy that you could ask about. Or if a company offers perks like a Ping-Pong table or other onsite bonding opportunities it might reveal a personal interest on behalf of senior leadership or human resources.How to Use It Express your interest in being a part of a unique companyUse the companys achievements and notable information to show your interest in being unique. For example, you might want to contribute to a company that is becoming wildly successful as evidenced by the number of awards the company has won. You also might appreciate companies that make an effort to foster relationships between employees. If you find that a foundation of friendship helps your cross-functional performance, you might make a great cultural fit for the company with the Ping-Pong table.Job InformationFor the next phase of your research, carefully evaluate the job description to pick up on subtle details that you can use to your advantage in the interview.Question to Ask What language does the job description use to talk about the job?Does the job description emphasize a list of required skills or the fun company culture ? Does it ask for a degree in a specific field or any degree/equivalent experience? Evaluate how the job description lays out the opportunity and make a list of words that are repeated often.How to Use It Use the same or similar terms as you talk about your experienceTake ansicht words as cues for what the company and hiring manager value. For example, emphasize your strict adherence to experience and education to a hiring manager who values it, but highlight your ability to work with teams and your transferable skills for other managers.Question to Ask What jobs are related to this job?Consider the other jobs that have a relationship with this job. For example, as a copywriter you would work with editors, project managers and marketing consultants. Make a list of the responsibilities and pain points that come with these related jobs.How to Use It Consider the position from the perspective of these other job titlesThe purpose of the interview is to figure out your fit for the job. W hat better way to show your understanding than speaking to the perspective and needs of those who interact with this position? By touching on the interests of related titles, you can easily navigate questions that come up in the interview.For example, if the interviewer asks about your weaknesses as a copywriter, you can address them within the context of how frustrating a writers bad grammar might be for the editor he or she works with. Then you can share trouble you have had with grammar and the steps you took to correct your weakness such as reading grammar books or taking a short grammar course.Interviewer InformationUp to this point youve kept your attention on the company and the job at hand. However, the person you will be interviewing with is just as important as those first two factors. Who you interview with will decide the chemistry of the interview itself and provide deep insight into how the company operates.Question to Ask Who will you interview with and what are their current titles?Understand as much about your interviewer as possible, including name, current title and photo. What was the career path the hiring manager took to get to where she is today? How long has she been with the company? No detail is too small.How to Use It Adjust your use of jargon as neededKnowing who your interviewer is will help you tweak your interview answers for the right audience. For example, if you are interviewing for an engineering job, youll want to know if the human resources manager youre interviewing with has a background in engineering. If they do, you may rely heavily on industry terms for those in your field. But if they do not, youll need to explain your experience more generally.The same goes for how you present your experience on your resume. If the interviewer has had several disparate roles or careers, shell likely value transferable skills. If she specialized in one specific job, she might value really getting to know how something works and drivin g results as the industry changes.Why waste your time on pointless research for your next job interview? Focus your efforts on digging up information that will help you communicate your fit for the position, and then present it in that light.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Benefits of Having a Mentor

Benefits of Having a MentorBenefits of Having a Mentor*/Read the infographic text.BENEFITS OF HAVING A MENTOR86% of CFOs say its important to have a mentor for career development 42% Very important44% Somewhat important8% notlage too important5% Not at all important But only 26% of workers have mentorsWHO HAS A MENTOR?Men 33%Women 18%Age 18-34 years 41%35-54 years 17%55+ years 15%Top benefits of having a mentor, according to CFOs48% Learn firsthand from someone in a role you aspire to20% Learn the unwritten rules of the company or industry11% Have a neutral sounding board for your ideas9% Get help navigating office politics8% Get introductions to new contacts4% No benefits/dont knowSource Accountemps surveys of more than 2,200 CFOs and 1,000 workers in the United StatesResponses may not total 100 percent due to rounding. 2016 Accountemps. A Robert Half Company. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/Disability/Veterans.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Unanswered Issues With Med School Resume Revealed

Unanswered Issues With Med School Resume Revealed Med School Resume Consider a number of the other ways youre able to set yourself apart from other applicants. If youre curious regarding the kinds of careers offered for ECE degree holders, you came to the correct location Course taken beyond the U.S. and Canada might be utilized to fulfill WCMC admissions requirements. On most college campuses, theres ample chance to become involved in volunteering opportunities of all sorts from the moment you arrive at college orientation. The Ultimate Med School Resume Trick Bear in mind which you want to prevent controversial topics or sob stories when writing your own personal statement. If youre offered an interview, we will contact you by email. Write just a little blurb about yourself, stating why it is youre bound for a terrific medical career, but dont include it on your resume. Write a small blurb about yourself stating why it is you are bound for an amazing medical career but d ont include it on your resume. A good way for a med school applicant stick out from the crowd is to get medical experience. Irrespective of your degree of work practical experience, your resume structure is crucial to making your application stick out. You can also struggle with understanding just what medical school resume format you should employ and the way youre able to write it into a way thats going to work. The medical school resume is a reflection of oneself, and a very good impression must be drawn up in a really limited quantity of space. You should put in a couple work to stick out from the masses. Even should you decide not to pursue a health education, participating in leadership opportunities will enable you to earn a difference in the lives of others. If your work experience has a six-month gap due to the birth of a young child, be ready to answer that question. You can also have any prior medical-related work experience you might have had, whether paid or v oluntary. Whats more, youll also need to concentrate on the format and presentation of your curriculum vitae. You will discover a selection of free resume templates that you think its feasible available. Its rather easy to use work application design template. Employing work application template has become a satisfactory and smart practice for many aspects. A Startling Fact about Med School Resume Uncovered Participating in the day-to-day clinical routine provides you an opportunity to learn how hospitals and doctors operate on a normal basis. You most likely have many explanations for why you need to be a doctor. Doctors must be leaders. If you are able to demonstrate the top doctors there that youre motivated and eager to work hard, theyll remember you. The New Fuss About Med School Resume Youll also have the ability to enter future end dates up to the beginning of the matriculation year. In an attempt to impress to your healthcare school resume, you will need to app ear balanced, yet passionate. Some med schools even need practical experience as a portion of their application. As soon as its advisable to have been involved in no less than a few extracurricular pursuits or organizations, you dont need to go overboard. Your own personal statement is an opportunity to introduce yourself to the committee. Most grad programs require some type of private statement, which is where youll receive the very best opportunity to inform the school why your experiences and interests make you the ideal candidate for the program. The perfect place to explain why you wish to visit grad school is in your private statement. The Benefits of Med School Resume You make an application for admission via your program. Along with all your other AMCAS application documents, it has to have the ability to sell you to the admissions committee and make you memorable so you are selected. If you wish to get into a superb MD school, aim to score no less than a 515 on the MCAT to continue being competitive. If you visit a graduate school to be able to attain admission into medical school, particularly postbacc ones, you need to perform. Dont forget which you need to begin preparing early if you would like to have any prospect of gaining a place at med school. Mason believes that yoga may be a potent antidote. A Startling Fact about Med School Resume Uncovered The ideal strategy to work out a job is via the world wide web. Many recruiters wish to locate candidates with the ideal balance of soft and hard skills. While there might not truly be considered a job up for grabs, it is really a tremendous recon opportunity and establishes an association which could be leveraged later on. You will locate all of our resumes that are entirely free to download below. Resume examples by industry you have to create a resume that highlights the particular skills employers want. As a nontraditional applicant, youve got unique experiences and abilities. C onstructing a sternbezogen resume is a crucial step to take when searching for new employment. Although you will probably list some soft skills in your abilities and qualification section, its important to likewise demonstrate your aptitude.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Use Non-Employee Referrals for Hiring Success

Use Non-Employee Referrals for Hiring Success Its a common practice to have employees be rewarded for referrals to help in the recruitment process. But what about non-employees should you reward their referrals as well? You should in the view of John Sullivan, a noted human resources expert from the Silicon Valley. He calls it an emerging trend and one that should be embraced because it expands the number of individuals who are looking for top talent for your firm beyond the traditional employee base.Sullivan offers these advantages to the non-employee referral conceptmora talent scoutsUsing other peoples timeHigh-quality referralsA proven approachA different set of prospectsIncreased speedLow-costYou may strengthen your relationshipsFriends may also become prospectsAs Sullivan notes, many employers say using employee referrals increases the speed of hiring. Also, people doing the job hunting for your company may end up wanting to work there. He also adds that companies and organizations like Verizon Technology, Internosis, Clearlink, the U.S. National Guard, and the information technology company CACI are already embracing non-employee referrals.Any non-employee referral program needs to supplement current employee referrals. Sullivan said a framework should be established to make the program succeed.Set quality expectationsRequire friends to provide detailed information when they referProvide a referral toolkitProvide ownership and motivationTake advantage of every opportunity to ask for referralsMinimize administrative roadblocksThe last point is important, Sullivan says, because referrals should be expedited in the human resources process and any payments for referrals shouldnt be delayed because it could hurt your companys brand and discourage further referrals.A company or organization shouldnt start off with grand rewards for non-employee referrals, Sullivan advises. Rather than offering a large reward, initially try low-cost rewards like free product samples, a booklet of movie tickets, a Starbucks coffee card, or a drawing for a fun vacation trip, he says, adding some referrers might like to see a donation made to a charity, which helps your business, too.Sullivan suggests the following folks could make good non-employee referrers, or as he calls them friends of friends.Contingent , seasonal, and part-time workers who are not considered as full-time employeesMembers of your board of directorsReferences provided by your quality hiresMajor vendorsClose family membersConsultantsLong-term individual customers or the employees of corporate customersYour college internsTop quality job applicants or finalistsCorporate alumni (former top employees) who can refer.Sullivan admits his idea may not be perfect. He says, As with any program, the friends program can carry with it some potential issues. The most common one is that if you are offering a rewar d of over $100, the administrative burden of having to issue non-employees 1099 forms to titelseite tax. Even though it is not proved to be a problem in well-designed programs, executives may also worry that friends referrals wont be of a high enough quality.The Wall Street Journal tackled the issue, too. In her At Work column, Lauren Weber calls them amateur recruiters. She says, Companies have long used bonuses and other rewards to get employees to recommend their friends for jobs. About 25% of all new hires come from referrals and 90% of those are from current employees, according to HR consulting firm CareerXroads. Now, thanks to a labor market where the demand for people with hot technology skills outstrips supply, some firms are expanding beyond their employee base.One New York firm offers a roundtrip airline ticket to New York City as a reward (but apparently no lodging or food). Other reward programs give cash to off-the-street referrers. In 2012, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles sought IT professionals who were certified in a healthcare application called Epic and offered a bounty of $5,000 to be shared by the person hired and the non-employee who referred him or her, she added.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Legal Actions Against Privacy Violations

Legal Actions Against Privacy ViolationsLegal Actions Against Privacy ViolationsDeception. Your employer asked you to submit to a routine medical examination, for example, but mentioned nothing about a drug test. However, the urine sample that you gave to the examining physician was analyzed for drug traces, and because drugs were found in your urine, you were fired.Violation of confidentiality. Your employer asked you to fill in a health questionnaire and assured you that the information would be held in confidence for the companys use only. But you later found out that the health information was divulged to a prospective employer that inquired about you. Secret, intrusive monitoring. Installing visible video cameras above a supermarkets cash registers would usually be considered a legitimate method of ensuring that employees are not stealing from the company. But installing hidden video cameras above the stalls in an employee restroom would probably qualify as an invasion of privac y in all but the highest security jobs.Intrusion on your private life. Your employer hired a private detective, for example, to monitor where you go in the evening when youre not at work. When the company discovered that you are active in a gay rights organization, you were told to resign from that group or risk losing your job.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

14 Companies Offering Sabbaticals Hiring Now

14 Companies Offering Sabbaticals Hiring Now14 Companies Offering Sabbaticals Hiring Now Few things are as good a reward for ones hard work. Whether youve put in years of service or gone above and beyond for a company, sabbaticals are often the light at the end of the tunnel. If youre goal-oriented or if you anticipate wanting a reprieve a few years into your career, consider a company with an attractive sabbatical program . Travel, try something new or simply hang out on the beach.Whatever you choose to do with your sabbatical, these companies are here to support you.Charles Schwab Sabbatical Details According to their employee benefits guide , After five years, eligible employees can apply for a 28-day paid sabbatical, which can be used for relaxing and pursuing personal or professional development, such as community service, education, or reflecting on their career and life. Where Hiring Austin, Westlake and El Paso, TX Chicago, IL Richfield, OH Lone Tree, C O Indianapolis, IN Orlando, FL Phoenix, AZ San Francisco, CA & more. What Employees Say Excellent benefits and pay, and a wonderful culture. Management is committed to ensuring you have the support you need in order to be successful. A sabbatical is provided every 5 years of service. - Current EmployeeAdobe Sabbatical Details Planning your dream vacation? Ready to finally write that novel? Adobe offers a sabbatical program to give you extended time to relax, recharge and reenergize, reads Adobes benefits site. Whos eligible? Regular U.S. employees who have completed at least five years of continuous employment and are scheduled to work at least 24 hours a week. Where Hiring San Jose, CA Seattle, WA Lehi, UT Chicago, IL Boston, MA Santa Monica, CA Austin, TX & more. What Employees Say Good benefits, great cafeteria with lots of options, basketball court and other amenities.- Current EmployeeIntel Sabbatical Details After seven years of full-time service, U.S. and Canadia n employees** are eligible to take eight weeks off. Paid, reads Intels blog. I find that Intel employees really value the sabbatical benefit. Employees have count-downs to their first sabbatical on their office walls and long-tenured employees smile with a knowing jealousy. Sometimes, when employees return from sabbatical, there are parties or good-natured pranks played on them. Sabbatical is a tradition that sort of draws employees together. Where Hiring Santa Clara, CA Albuquerque, NM Folsom, CA Boulder, CO Boise, ID Hillsboro, OR Hudson, MA & more. What Employees Say Good Salary and excellent benefits. Bonding leave and sabbatical are awesome - Current EmployeeEpic Sabbatical Details As an Epic employee, every five years you are eligible for four weeks of paid time off. If you choose to spend your sabbatical in a country youve never been to before, we will help fund the trip for you and a guest. To date, Epic staff have taken more than 3,000 trips on their sabbatical to over 100 different countries. Where Hiring Madison, WI What Employees Say Ive been at Epic over 10 years. What gets me to work each day is that I have a lot of variety and autonomy. My career has changed enough that Ive never been bored theres always been a new challenge. I get lots of feedback and validation and feel valued by my manager, coworkers and company. - Current EmployeePayPal Sabbatical Details In addition to our Time Off program, we offer four weeks of paid sabbatical for every five years of service, a unique benefit that few tech companies can match. Where Hiring Omaha, NE Chicago, IL Chandler, AZ San Jose, CA Timonium, MD & more. What Employees Say Wonderful benefit. I wish all companies had this reward after 4 or 5 years of service. - Former EmployeeDeloitte Sabbatical Details Deloitte offers two sabbatical programs an unpaid one-month sabbatical that can be taken for any reason and a three- to six-month sabbatical that can be taken to pursue person al or professional growth opportunities in the areas of career development or volunteerism. While on a three- to six-month sabbatical, professionals continue to receive 40% of their pre-sabbatical base salary. Where Hiring New York, NY Atlanta, GA Washington, DC Phoenix, AZ Milwaukee, WI Harrisburg, PA & more. What Employees Say Great benefit for a company of this size. - Current EmployeeAutodesk Sabbatical Details According to their benefits guide , Eligible employees receive a six-week paid sabbatical every four continuous years of full-time U.S. Autodesk employment. This is an opportunity to travel or spend quality time with your family and friends while getting well-deserved rest and relaxation. Where Hiring Denver, CO Boston, MA Portland, OR San Francisco, CA San Rafael, CA Novi, MI & more. What Employees Say Good work life balance, excellent benefits, great employees that take great ownership in the quality of their work, company seems to truly care about their emp loyees, flexibility to work remote.- Current EmployeeBiogen Sabbatical Details Biogen offers a highly competitive benefits package, says a current employee. The health, dental, and vision coverage are among the best in the industry, and the 401(k) matching is excellent. Additionally, after six years of employment you can take a one-month paid sabbatical. Some roles offer work-from-home capability, but that can be a double-edged sword because it can conflict with maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The PTO policy is generous, but some roles find it more difficult than others to get actually get the time off that is requested. Where Hiring Cambridge, MA Research Triangle Park, NC San Francisco, CA & more.Genentech Sabbatical Details If youve been with Genentech full-time for six years, youre eligible to take six continuous weeks off with full pay and benefits. Its a good time to recharge. Where Hiring South San Francisco, CA Little Falls, NJ Hillsboro, OR & more. Wh at Employees Say Very unusual to have such a rich sabbatical program- Current EmployeeAARP Sabbatical Details AARPs Renewal Program offers eligible employees a dedicated period of paid time away from work - four weeks - to disconnect from the demands and responsibilities of the workplace. Renewal is a one-time opportunity for eligible employees. Renewal leave must be taken in a four-week block. With manager approval, employees may add accrued vacation time. Renewal may be taken starting June 1 of the year in which the invitation is extended. To be eligible employees must be in good standing, have completed at least seven consecutive years as a full-time employee, and meet other requirements listed in detail on InfoNet. Where Hiring Washington, DC Honolulu, HI Chicago, Il Philadelphia, PA & more. What Employees Say Great pay, excellent benefits, smart and committed colleagues. Top management will listen to employees and make some positive changes based on employee surveys. - Former EmployeeAlta Planning + Design Sabbatical Details After 5 years of employment, employees are eligible to receive a stipend toward an excursion to Copenhagen, Amsterdam, or another city/region where biking is a way of life. Where Hiring Portland, OR Durham, NC San Diego, CA Chesterfield, MO & more. What Employees Say The company culture promotes appreciation and gratitude for your labor and time and upper management is accesible and respectful. - Current EmployeeBain & Company Sabbatical Details Take Two Extended breaks that allow eligible Bainies to take two months off to rejuvenate and/or fulfill personal goals. Bain also offers longer sabbaticals and leaves of absence for when life pulls you in different directions. Where Hiring Chicago, IL Boston, MA San Francisco, CA Dallas, TX Washington, DC & more. What Employees Say Supportive culture and amazing people to work with. - Current EmployeeChicago Public Schools Sabbatical Details The Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee may grant paid leaves of absence to tenured teachers, who have completed six (6) continuous years of satisfactory service, for the purposes of resident study, travel or other purposes, for a period of at least five (5) months but no more than ten (10) school months (equivalent to one continuous semester or one continuous school year respectively), if the Chief Executive Officer or designee determines that the leave will improve the service of the teacher or contract principal to the public schools. Eligibility for and the terms and conditions of sabbatical leaves will be established by the Chief Executive Officer or designee. Where Hiring Chicago, IL What Employees Say Working with the kids is the best part of the job.. - Current EmployeeOne Medical Sabbatical Details Job descriptions for One Medical detail top-notch dental, vision, health insurance as well as sabbaticals at 5 and 10 years. Where Hiring Saint Petersburg, FL San Francisco, CA & more. What Employees Say The benefits are the best part of working at One Medical. A lot is expected of the administrative assistant but the pay is limited for the first few years. - Current Employee

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Job Interview Tips for Recent College Grads

Job Interview Tips for Recent College GradsJob Interview Tips for Recent College GradsWhen youre a recent college graduate einstellungsgesprching can be a challenge, especially if you havent interviewed much. Thats especially true when youre interviewing for entry-level jobs because, in general, its a level playing field with all candidates having the same basic qualifications. However, there are ways to prepare for an interview so you can stand out from the crowd of entry-level candidates and make the best impression on the interviewer. The more you prepare by practicing your interview skills, researching the company, being able to show why youre qualified, and by following up after the interview - the better chance youll get at securing a second interview anda job offer. Here are tips for acing an interview for college students and recent graduates from Mike Profita, director of career services at Skidmore College for 25 years and college career expert. Top College Grad Job Inte rview Tips Analyze Your Target Job. What skills, knowledge, and personal qualities are required by the employer and are critical for success in that role? Do you have theskill set the employer is seeking or, at the least, are you a close match for the job?Hereshow to match your qualifications to the job. Make a List of Your Key Assets. Be prepared to share 7- 10 key assets, like skills, course projects, experiences, personal qualities, and knowledge bases, which will enable you to make a solid contribution in that role if you were to be hired. Share Examples. For each of those assets be prepared to share an example or anecdote which shows how you used that strength to complete an academic project or successfully carry out a work or co-curricular role. Sharing real life examples will help you show the interviewer that youre qualified for the position. Show Enthusiasm. Be ready to articulate why you are interested in the target job/organization, how it relates to your goals. Show ent husiasm during the interview for the job. Try to stay positive during the interview, even if youre stressed and nervous. Practice Interviewing. Review common interview questions and think about how you would respond. Practice your responses with advisers and use the interview preparation modules offered by the career office at your college. The more you practice, the more comfortable youll be during job interviews. Conduct Informational Interviews. Conduct informational interviews with college alumni who work in your target field. Find out key trends and what it takes to be a success. Research the Company. Research your target organization. Learn about their challenges and accomplishments. Read the press releases on their website. Look for articles in the business press evaluating the progress of the organization. Search Google and social media for news about the organization. Pay Attention to Your Body Language. During the interview watch your body language shake hands firmly, make eye contact as you articulate your points, and sit up straight. Listen to the Interview Questions. Listen carefully before you respond to questions, ask for clarification if you are uncertain about the focus of a query. Its fine to take a few moments to frame your response. Be Ready to Ask Questions. Be prepared to ask questions about the job that reflect your genuine interest and build on the research you have done about the position. Review this list of the best questions to ask during a job interview. Summarize Why the Job is a Fit. Towards the end of the interview if you are still interested in the job, let the recruiter know that you think the job is an excellent fit (summarize briefly why) and that you are highly interested. Dont Forget to Say Thank You. Make sure you get the contact information for your interviewer and send a follow-up schmelzglas or letter as soon as possible after the meeting. In addition to thanking them, reference anything which they said that enhanced y our interest and briefly summarize why you think the job is an excellent match. Its Fine to Follow Up. If you dont hear back right away, its appropriate to follow up on the status of your application by phone or via email.? Heres the best way to send a follow up email or make a phone callto see if youre still in contention for the job.